Cultural Mexican heritage
How much do you know about the culture of Mexico? Would you
recognize Mexican Art if you had it right under your nose? The knowledge is
waiting for you keep on reading.
What if looking without touching it is not mine?
If you are one of those persons who believe that looking
from afar is boring, we invite you to discover the archaeological zones of the
country, there you will travel to the past daily life of our ancestors;You can
play around,, walk around these sites, or even climb some buildings. An
adventure full of culture and history, where you will unwittingly learn a
little more.
Tulum or Tuluum was a city Mayan walled city located in
Quintana Roo's State, to the south-east of Mexico, on the coast of the Caribbean
Sea. The city was receiving in the antique Zamá's Mayan name (that it means
“dawn” or “tomorrow”) and the current one, Tulum (that means in Mayan palisade
or wall), that seems to be have been used when referring to the city although
it was in ruins.
Cobá is an archaeological deposit of the Mayan pre-Columbian
culture, located in the southeast of Mexico territory in the state of Quintana
Roo, approximately ninety km to the east of Chichén Itzá and approximately
forty to the northwest of Tulum. Possible important Tulum its name "cob" may possibility mean
" what has dampness or moss " and "á" or "há" water,
that is to say " it waters down with moss " or " water dampness
", another possibility is:" turbid water " because it is near to
a few small lakes with a very turbid color.
Uxmal is an ancient Mayan city of the classic period. At
present it is one of the most important archaeological deposits of the Mayan
culture, together with those of Chichén Itzá and Tikal. It is located in the so
called zone Puuc and is the most representative city of this architectural
style. It is located to 62 km to the south of Merida, the capital of the state
of Yucatan in Mexico. ITs edification stand out for its size and decoration.
Chichén Itzá
Chichén Itzá (Maya: " In the shore of the Well of the
water wizards ". Huasteco: “Serpent Adorned with feathers ") it is
one of the principal archaeological places
of the peninsula of Yucatan, in Mexico located in Tinum's municipality,
in the state of Yucatan. Important and renowned vestige of the Mayan
civilization, the principal remained buildings correspond to the decline epoch
of the proper Mayan culture named by the archeologists in the postclassical
period. The god who presides at the place, according to the Mayan mythology, is
Kukulcán, Mayan representation of Quetzalcóatl, a god taken from the pantheon
of the Toltec culture.
Chichén Itzá's archaeological zone was registered in the list of the Heritage Humanity
by the UNESCO on July 1988.3 7, 2007, it was recognized as one of the “wonders
of the world.”
Teotihuacan (Place where gods are made) was one of
Mesoamérica's major cities during the pre-Hispanic epoch. The remains of the
city are to the North-East of the valley of Mexico, in Teotihuacan's
municipality (the state of Mexico), approximately 45 kilometres of distance
from downtown of Mexico
Cholula's archaeological zone (Place of those who fled) is a
historical place located AT seven kilometres the west of Saragossa, the capital
of the Mexican Populates state. It is a question of one of the most ancient
accessions of Mexico, and presents a constant occupation from the pre-classic
superior period.
The Tajín
The Tajín is a pre-Columbian archaeological zone near
Papantla's city, Veracruz, Mexico and poza rica ,Veracruz, Mexico. Tajín's city
was the capital of the state Totonaca. Tajín means City or Place of the thunder
in the language totonaca.
Monte Albán
Monte Albán is an archaeological site located AT 10 km from
Oaxaca de Juárez's city. In accordance with some sources, the original name was
Dani Baá. It is known, on the other hand, that the mixtecos knew the city as
Yucucúi (Yúcu-cúi, ' Green Hill ')
La venta
La Venta is an archaeological zone located in the extreme northwest of
Tabasco's Mexican state in Huimanguillo's municipality, to a few fifteen
kilometres away the coast of mexican’s gulf. La venta is the principal
archaeological place of the Olmec culture, and it had its glorious epoch between
900 B.C. and 400 B.C. It gets up on an island in the middle of the swampy
region that trains the river Tonalá, which marks the border between Tabasco and
Veracruz. The surface of the island is approximately 5, 2 km ² away. In the
center of the island, the buildings form a seat in the shape of irregular
rectangle, with a principal pyramid located in the center, and mounds and
monuments in the north and in the south.
Calakmul ("City of both Adjacent Pyramids") is an
urban pre-Hispanic MayaN center placed in the south-east of Campeche's Mexican
state, in the region of the Petén Campechano, in the core of the Reserve of
Calakmul's Biosphere of 1.800.000 acres and at a few km from the border with
Guatemala. The place possesses approximately 70 km ² and more than 6.000
Flores Cruz Claudia