miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

The best for least.

It could not miss an important aspect of our culture; it is the most present in our daily life and certainly the most accessible to all and gives us more pleasure to enjoy, exactly, gastronomy. The Mexican food has been influenced by other cuisines us as well as it has also been influenced by other by other cuisines. For example: Indians, Aztecs, Spanish, African, Middle Eastern, Asian, etc.
Mexican food also represents the historical culture of the country, because there is a wide diversity of flavors, colors and textures that make Mexican food a great attraction for both domestic and foreign tourist.

Some dishes from Mexico are:

“La torta ahogada” (soaked-sauce torta)

It is one of the most typical and representative dishes of Jalisco state in Mexico, particularly in the city of Guadalajara. The “soaked-sauce torta” are made with bread knows as “birote”. This “birote”, bread is stuffed with Jalisco style, sliced, cubs, the dipped in spicy chili sauce. It is a classical dish like vinegar, chocolate and garlic among other spicy condiments.    

“El Mole”

The history of mole begins in the pre-Columbian times. The “mole” consists, principally, of a spicy with different ingredients, spilled on pieces of meat that can be of turkey or pork.


According with experts, Mexico is the place with most variety of “tamales” around the world. Each state or city or town has tenths of “tamales”. The variety can be of almost 5000 in all the Mexican territory.

“Los chiles en nogada” (chilies in walnut-sauce)

It is said that the “chiles en nogada” were created by the nuns from Puebla to celebrate Mexico’s independence, and to honor Agustin de Iturbide. The nut cream with parsley leaves and seeds of “Granada” represent the color of Mexican flag.

“La cochinita pibil”  (suckling pig)

Another dish prepared in earthen oven and roosted is: “the cochinita pibli”, its name derives from the Mayan “pib”, which means “bury”. The original recipe from Yucatan; it is based on pork marinated in achiote, wrapped in banana leaves and cooked in an earthen oven. Roasted suckling pig accompanied with onion in sour orange, usually in “tortas” and tacos with pickled habanero-sauce, very common in the region. 

“El Pozole”

Is is a type of soup made from corn kernels commonly known as “cacahuazintle”, to which is added, according to the region, chicken or pork as a secondary ingredient. Of is basic preparation varies across Mexico.
For example: “the white pozole” from Sinaloa, Nayarit, Guanajuato and Jalisco. Sometimes it is eaten with baked of fried “tortilla” with cream.

“La Tlayuda”

It is a “tortilla” of corn which is bigger than a common tortilla. There are many variations in its preparation: some are with mashed black beans and friend, shredded lettuce or “col” know as cabbage, beef, pork jerky, pork sausage, jerky, string cheese and accompanied of green or yellow peppers as well as “pasilla chili-sauce”.

“Los Tacos”

The “taco” is another manifestation of culinary culture of Mexico. The taco varies from each state. Tacos are one of the most recognized dishes in the country and the world.

Nerino Alonso Jorge Orlando

1 comentario:

  1. good morning Nerino!

    Thank you for posting your translation. Yummieee!! I got hungry just by reading this section. Indeed, our country is very rich in flavours and variety of dishes. Good information!

    However, please be careful when typing and writing down the info to avoid spelling and finger mistakes.

    Well done!

    Hope you enjoy your holidays surrounded by your dear family.
    Best wishes

    Mrs. Zetina

    7 points
